Tuesday 29 April 2008

RIAA spent $2.8 mil on lobbying in '07

RIAA spent $2.8 mil on lobbying in '07

The recording industry's trade wind radical spent near $2.8 million
pumping up the volume on its lobbying on Capitol Hill last

The Washington-based Recording Industry Association of United States
lobbied on a circular to terminal point fees charged to Net radio receiver stations
for medicine broadcasts and on efforts to limit copyright violations,
specially overseas.

The deal group spent $2.1 gazillion lobbying in the arcsecond half of
2007, according to a form posted online February. 12 by the Senate's
public records office. It spent $659,000 on lobbying in the first
half of the yr.

Lobbyists ar required to discover activities that could influence
members of the executive and legislative branches, under a federal official
jurisprudence enacted in 1995.